Manufacturing Crisis Management

About This Project

Crisis Management and Event Training

Global Manufacturer, Scotland

Following a fire incident at a major bottling and distribution facility R² Consultants were engaged to review and assess the Client’s incident response capability and to develop a structured Incident Response Policy and train staff in its implementation.

The Strategic Aims of the project were:

  • Maximising Staff Safety
  • Protection of the Public
  • Business Continuity
  • Minimise Reputational Damage

R² Consultants worked with the client over an 18 month period to develop and implement a comprehensive Incident Response Plan including the training and exercising of staff, which delivered a client specific Incident Manual containing:

  • Vision and Goals
  • A 3 phase initial response to a critical incident identifying the key roles of Incident Manager, Evacuation Lead, Emergency Services Liaison Lead and
  • Security Lead
  • Fire Action Plan
  • Evacuation Plan covering emergency and non-emergency situations
  • Product Contamination and Recall Plan
  • Counter Terrorist Security Plan including suspect bomb and packages procedures
  • Media Response
  • Incident Manager On Call protocol
  • Structured Debriefing process
  • A number of practical tools to support the key roles identified above

Since implementation the client’s staff have dealt successfully with a number of varied incidents effectively and confidently, preserving business continuity and company reputation. The Incident Manual has been adopted across their global operations including Europe, Russia, The Far East and the United States.